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Quick Margherita Pizza Recipe

This is a quick version of our classical pizza recipe. Compare to the classical pizza recipe, the dough has less volume and will result in a pizza with a more flat bound.

◦15g fresh yeast
◦1 tea spoon of salt
◦4 table spoon olive oil
◦2 table spoon of milk
◦375 cl. water
◦650g white flour

Toppings for 4 pizzas:
◦1 can of tomatoes
◦400g Mozzarella cheese
◦Olive oil

Disolve the yeast in the water and mix it with the flour until all ingredients are well mixed. Let ithe dough rest 1 hour before making the pizzas.

Switch oven to 250 degrees celcius (480 fahrenheit). To improve your result, I recommend to use one of the pizza stone that you can find on amazon for example. Otherwise you can use your oven tray and place some baking paper on it.

As the quantity we used is suitable for 4 pizzas, divide the dough in 4 pieces and form pizza by adding a little bit of flour on top while making the dough flat using a kitchen roller. The flour will help you to work with the dough by making the dough more elastic and avoid it to stick on the kitchen roller or the table.

Spread three spoon of tomatoes on the dough, add the mozarella cheese and set in the oven around 10 to 15 minutes until the dough becomes crispy.

Serve with basil and a little bit olive oil.

A new season of cooking talent starts

My wife has recently borrowed at the library a fantastic book from Heston Blumenthal that describes a new approach to cooking in family. Heston Blumenthal is famous for being the owner of The Fat Duck restaurant outside London. This year the restaurant is placed number three in the world according to the St.Pellegrino award.
The book describes cooking technics and tips to cook in family. Heston Blumenthal has managed to keep the book affordable for those who have limited experience in cooking but still managed to deliver a new approach for cooking. I strongly recomend you to have a look at this book to improve your senses and skills in cooking.

La farce de Noël

  • 500g pork and beef meat used for making sausages
  • 1 can of marroons (500g)
  • 5 Shallots
  • 1 Garlic
  • 1 persil bouquet
  • Cognac
  • 150g raisins
  • 6 slices of Bacon
  • Dry white bread

Prepare several hours before the raisins in a bowl and top it with cognac so all the raisins will be covered with Cognac.

Slice shallots and cook them in a pan with a bit of butter at medium temperature. Once the shallots are getting a bit brown, slice the garlic and add it to the pan. After few minutes of cooking, pour the juice from cognac and raisins in the pan and flamb it.

Add in the pan the bacon sliced in small dices and let the whole preparation to cook 15 minutes until the bacon gets brown. Add the pork and beef meat and cook 15 more minutes.

Finaly add the persil, marrons, raisins and breadcrumps, spice with pepper, salt, muscat, paprika and cook 30 minutes more.

Blend the preparation to obatain a puree.

Raspberry rolls

Children loves it, and it takes no time and almost no money to make them: Let me present you today the delicious Raspeberry rolls !


  • 100g Flour
  • 100g fine Sugar
  • 1 jar of Raspberry jam
  • 4 yogs
  • 3 white eggs whipped


Separate the yolks from egg whites in two different bowls. Reserve the whites.

In a bowl, beat 4 egg yolks mixed with sugar. Gradually add flour while continuing to stir and mix the preparation.

In the other bowl, beat the 3 eggs whites using a whisk or a food processor.

Gently add the egg whites to the mixture of egg yolks, sugar, flour. Mix gently until you get a smooth dough.

Preheat oven at 210° C.

Place baking paper on an oven tray. Then spread the dough on the paper to form a rectangle, then place the tray in the oven and cook during 10 minutes.

When cooked, check with the tip of a knife if the dough is ready, the tip of the knife must come out clean.

Remove the dough from the oven and return it to a clean surface.

Spread raspberry jam and roll the dough on itself.

Couscous with lamb and chicken

This is a very simple recipe of a traditional couscous eaten with lamb and chicken, popular in the northen part of Africa. This recipe is made for 6 persons and can be realised in about 2 hours.


  • 400g Chicken
  • 1kg Lamb
  • 2 carrots
  • 1 onion
  • 1 aubergine
  • 2 courgettes
  • 2 peperbells
  • 2 celery stalks
  • 1 can of tomatoes
  • 1 can of chick peas
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 400g raisins
  • 1kg coucous
  • Timian
  • Cumin
  • Rosmarin
  • Chili sauce


Cut onion and garlic in tiny pieces, aubergine and courgette in small dices (1.5 cm), carrots and celery in thin round slices. Warm up a pot with olive oil and add onion, carrots, celery. Once the onion gets darker, add garlic aubergine, courgette, tomatoes, raisins in the pan. Cover with water, add vegetable stock and cook during 45 minutes at medium temperature.

While vegetables are cooking, cut chicken and lamb in small dices and mix with timian, cumin, rosmarin, salt, pepper and olive oil. Cook meat in a hot pan during 10 minutes, then cover the meat with water and cook for 40 minutes at medium temperature.

One the meat is cooked, put the lamb and chicken in the pot with vegetables and cook the whole for 45 more minutes. At the end of the cooking, add some chili sauce and the chick peas.

Just before serving, prepare the couscous by mixing 1 liter of boiling water with 1 kg of couscous. Add some salt and a little bit of olive oil.

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